“I am more confident today, than a year ago, that Suprajit is better prepared” – Managing Director , Suprajit Engineering Ltd.
Hi Friends,
Keep a tab on this company. This is a good company in a good sector with very good long term prospects.
The company is known for it’s leadership position in the automotive cable market – The company is now expanding into non-automotive cable market which is 20 times bigger in size than the automotive cable market. As per my reading – the promoters are honest, shareholder friendly and ambitious and after a lot of consolidation in last couple of year, the company seems set to be back on a steady growth path.
The past track record of the company is fantastic. They have grown from just 33 Cr turnover in 2002 to 206 Cr last year.
For this year, I expect the company to do a turnover of 190-200 Cr+ (on standalone basis) and a NP of 14 Cr+, resulting into an EPS of 12+, conservatively. With the new plants coming up, the company may be able to maintain these growth rates for coming years.
Read about the updates of the Company on BseIndia.
Rather than providing the details myself, I would like you all to go through the co’s website, annual report etc to get more details and take informed decision.