The evaluation process by banks are one of the most comprehensive evaluations and can be used to evaluate almost any company. The presentation below tries to cover this process in few slides. The various topics covered include evaluation of companies, management rating, economics, risks and cash flow study.
Term Loan Appraisal (view in full screen for easy reading)
View more OpenOffice presentations from Pratyush Mittal.
The classic examples given throughout the presentation were mostly of C.A. Atul Mohan Ji who is one of the most renowned personality in the field of finance. The topic was discussed as a part of “Saturday Discussions” held every Saturday (at our office where I am undergoing my CA articleship) where an article is required to present a presentation on a topic.
Really impressed with your blog Design, and This post awesome. Can you provide more information on this?
Really impressed with your blog Design, and This post awesome. Can you provide more information on this?
Really nice and impresssive slide show. Easy to understand and follow. Good job
Thanks Krishna 🙂 .